Magnus Resch predaje novi kolegij na Zagrebačkoj Školi Ekonomije i Managementa koji priprema buduće menadžere za izazove na tržištu umjetnina I naglašava važnost poveznice između menadžmenta i umjetnina. Na kolegiju “Management of Art Institutions” studenti razvijaju marketinške i sponzorske vještine koje primjenjuju na projektu u suradnji sa zagrebačkim Muzejem suvremene umjetnosti. Kolegij je vrlo tražen na školi, te su kapaciteti kolegija u potpunosti popunjeni s 25 studenata. Kolegij će biti ponuđen i tijekom idućih godina.
Dr. Magnus Resch, profesor na Zagrebačkoj školi ekonomije i managementa: “Cilj ovoga kolegija je povezivanje ekspertize menadžmenta i umjetnosti. Studenti se aktivno uključuju na kulturnu scenu. Muzej će profitirati s obzirom na to da od studenata dobiva direktne ideje. To je “win-win” situacija.”
Snježana Pintarić, ravnateljica Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb: “Lijepo je vidjeti kako studenti Zagrebačke škole ekonomije i managementa pristupaju dvama relevantnim područjima kao što su marketing i sponzorstvo. Muzej kao institucija puno dobiva iz ovog projekta, te se naglašava dijalog između umjetnosti i menadžmenta.”
PR kontakt: Jagoda Poropat Darrer, Glasnogovornica,, Phone: + 385 1 2354 290, Fax: +385 1 2354 155
O Zagrebačkoj školi ekonomije i managementa: Već deset godina, Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i managementa obrazuje buduće hrvatske poslovne lidere, ekonomske stručnjake i inovativne poduzetnike. S više od tisuću diplomanata, oko 100 predavača te 1200 studenata, ZŠEM je najveća privatna ustanova za visoko obrazovanje u Hrvatskoj. Naši profesori su priznati I uvaženi Hrvatski poslovni ljudi I ekonomski stručnjaci. Mnogi od njih imaju završeno obrazovanje u inozemstvu. S više od 150 stranih studenata, Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i managementa je najviše internacionalno orijentirana poslovna škola u Hrvatskoj. Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i management ima preko 100 partner sveučilišta u inozemstvu, te veliki postotak studenata provede barem jedan semester van Hrvatske.
Management of the Arts has become an increasingly relevant topic in the global art world: state subsidies for culture are being reduced and institutions depend more and more on external funding. This requires a great deal of private fundraising and corporate sponsorship. Art managers are confronted with this changing market environment and they are looking for solutions. The Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM) tackles these challenges and sets out to foster cultural management in Croatia. ZSEM is particularly proud to bring Dr. Magnus Resch on board as driver for change. Magnus Resch is a leading art market researcher and lecturer in art management at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland and Leuphana University, Germany. His book “Management of Art Galleries” is an Amazon #1 Bestseller. Magnus is also an active entrepreneur in the art market. His activities were covered by Forbes, Bloomberg, The Financial Times and others. In a panel discussion Magnus Resch analyses with leading art experts the importance of management in the Croatian art scene. The panel will be held at ZSEM on Monday, 1st December, 18.30h, Franck Espresso Superiore Room. Participants are the following: – Snježana Pintarić, Director, Museum of Contemporary Art – Tomislav Kličko, Owner of Filip Trade and Lauba House – Ivana Nikolić, President at Croatian competitiveness cluster of creative and cultural industries – Gaella Gottwald, independent art advisor – Dr. Magnus Resch, Professor ZSEM The event is public. It will be held in English. Entrance is free of charge. Magnus Resch also offers a new course at ZSEM to educate future art managers and increase the dialog between management and art. In “Management of Art Institutions” students develop a marketing and sponsoring concept for the Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb. The course is very popular with students, and with 25 students the course has reached its maximum capacity. It will also be offered in upcoming semesters. Dr. Magnus Resch, Professor at ZSEM: “We need to connect management expertise with the art world. My students actively get involved in the art scene. The museum benefits because it gets hands-on ideas. It’s a win-win situation.” Snježana Pintarić, Director, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb: “It’s refreshing to see how the ZSEM management students approach two relevant issues: Marketing and Sponsoring. The museum benefits from this and it highlights the dialog between art and management.”